
As you can see below. no BTS album cover there are exposed four different kinds of flowers: rose, ranunculus, zantedeschia and lily.
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I was searching the Internet how glass flowers can look like. And here are examples:

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I wanted to see how I can get a sense of fragility and delicateness with so hard and quite heavy material such as glass. Thereafter, I tried to find a photo of the above-mentioned flowers and I started to draw them in linear style.

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closeup photo of white 6-petaled flower

I mainly used fine liners (back, grey and light purple) and promarkers. As I wanted to create something as geometrical view of those flowers, do I use compass and triangle to make  a base for my sketches. 
It was my first trial. Hence, I am still going to practise to improve myself. I think that zantedeschia looks really well. I thought that lily will be the easier, however, it turned to be the most problematic. It is because of simple petals, which it is hard to reflect. Also, I am not sure if rose and ranunculus are not too similar, I believe that difference should be more viewable, Next time I will more focus on measures and maybe even I will use triangle to make straight lines.

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  1. Remember to add what tools and techniques you are using to produce the hand drawings and where or how you will use the flower motif and design in your final design.


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