
One of my assessment relating to my major project was creating board reflecting the inspiration. Personally, I consider the exemplificatory board, which was showed me as little primery. I seriusly do not wish to be mean, but it looked as collage to ugly to be piece of art and to mature to be academic. That is a reason why I decided to design all my board digitally. I believed this way I would avoid the unwilling effect. 
As I was said that it will be good to add some sketches I created in Illustrator a layer, which I will be used also on my presentation and final boars. With the aid of Line Segment Tool I created a random lines which as the totality resemble my project. Of course, is need to be mark that my project is more ruly. It is based on a pentakis snub dodecahedron, but it was only sketch. ┐( ˘_˘ )┌

Independently, I create a one of flower also with Illustrator with the same tools what I had used beforehand. I saved my works and opened in in Photoshop, because I found it as the easier and that is more matter it gives more opportunity to work with. 

On my board I put the picture which mostly I put also on by blog, also I added my logo and my name. The choosing what I should put on my board, what was like practise before I start my making my architecture board.  I pasted the picture and because there are various size, I edited this drawback by pressing CTRL+T, thanks  to  it I could make each in this same size.  Pasted the test which I wrote in Microsoft Word, because it was easier to edit it there (I mean edit the font, size or what so ever), than in Photoshop, where the Test Tool is only good for small text such a slogan. 

It really was pleasurable as long as I had not print it. The texts was seriously to small whil the more than half was literally empty.  I really sorrow for everyone who must read it. However, i spent so much money on it, that I definitely was not able to do it again correctly. I think that next time I will think twice before printing. Likewise, it was good practise before my final architectural board and also before printing my 2D&3D portfolio. I took my lesson and I am going to improve my  designing skills

Ready for the presentation:
Image result for bt21 gif


  1. Was this the Folio board for Contextual Studies? Getting the font size right is important on a presentation board, sometimes less text is better as you can make the font larger. Also a test print is a good idea to check the font, layout, etc. This can be done cheaply and means you don't lose money on the final print.


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