Photo used on my board

I wanted to create a impression where my building is located. I edited those photos into black and white   and I used Polygon Lasso Tool to cut it from background.

Image result for Kobe Japan

I wanted also include materials.  A photo of concrete was easy to find. I am happy with it, because I use similar shape in mm project and also it was simple to cut from background ( used Polygon Lasso Tool) However, I was straggle with finding a photo of pink glass. Only wine glass are on google image. That is a reason why I just downloaded a common glass and edited it into pink by changing saturation, colour balance, brightness and contrast. each of this option I found by clicking on photo, next clicking on Image button and choosing Adjustments option.    

Moreover on my boards there also trees, which I also used on my previous board (it is almost like my identification mark of my work). Thanks to it I was able to fulfil a space on my board.  

And finish:
Image result for bt21 gif


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